Whiplash Lawyers

Whiplash injuries are varied and present themselves in different ways. Generally, whiplash is defined as an injury to the muscles, ligaments or vertebrae of the neck, which results from rapid acceleration or deceleration of the head. Whiplash injuries can be caused by many types of accidents, including slip and fall accidents, assaults, and sports injuries.

Symptoms of Whiplash

Whiplash injuries manifest themselves with many symptoms, and each patient’s experience is different. Back pain, neck pain, headaches, arm tingling, and leg tingling are common symptoms. You may also experience stiffness, loss of coordination, loss of strength, or disability. These symptoms can appear immediately after the accident or show themselves later, which is why it’s important to seek proper medical attention within a few days of an accident. Always relate all your symptoms to your doctor, even if you are not sure they were caused by the accident. When you follow up with the doctor, give him or her all the details you can.

Compensation for Whiplash and Other Soft Tissue Injuries

It is important to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer after a whiplash injury to protect yourself. Facing an insurance company can be intimidating and difficult, and it’s not uncommon to see victims diminish the severity of their injuries after talking to an insurance adjuster. An experienced personal injury lawyer in Vancouver can help you stand up for your rights and get the compensation you need to recover from your injuries. A lawyer can help you collect the information and proof needed to get a fair settlement. The effects of whiplash injuries are physical, emotional, and financial. The costs of lost wages, medical expenses, and rehabilitation add up quickly, which is why you deserve a lawyer who can advocate for you and get the settlement you deserve.