Concussion Lawyers
If you’ve experienced any type of head injury in British Columbia, it’s important to seek medical care and begin rehabilitation right away. Let our head injury lawyer in Vancouver handle the legal details while you attend to your medical care. Head injuries can be mild or severe, and they can be hard to diagnose. Any type of accident can cause a head injury, including slip and fall accidents, ATV or boating accidents, and occupiers liability accidents. A concussion is a head injury from which most patients recover fully, but head injuries can cause lifelong disabilities, even injuries where the first symptoms seem mild or temporary.
Identifying Concussion Injury in Vancouver
Living in Vancouver or the Lower Mainland allows ready access to health care professionals. If you’re unsure whether you or a loved one is experiencing the symptoms of a concussion injury, check out the following symptoms. It can take some time for symptoms to show themselves, and each person can react differently. One should be on the lookout for:
- Changes in behavior or personality, such as depression or anxiety, aggression or acting out.
- Changes in physical abilities, such as weakness or trouble with coordination. Severe injuries can cause speech difficulty, seizures, and paralysis.
- Impaired cognition, such as slower thinking, memory loss, or unusual reasoning.
- Impaired communication skills, such as expressing oneself or understanding others.
- Sensory loss in any one of the five senses.
What Causes Head Injuries in Vancouver?
One of the leading cause of head injuries in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland are recreational and winter sport, some of the most common being:
- Hockey – Traumatic brain injuries can result from fast-moving contact sports such as hockey. Contact with the ice, a stick, the boards or another player may not seem severe but can result in concussion. Always wear approved and proper-fitting protective equipment!
- Soccer – To head the ball or not? This topic has been debated in recent years, with some medical experts claiming that children should avoid heading the ball. Head injuries account for up to one-fifth of all soccer injuries. However, most soccer concussions occur when two players heads collide.
- Cycling – It’s easy to see the link between falling off a bike and a closed head injury. Experts say wearing a properly-fitted bicycle helmet can reduce your chances of head injury by half. In BC, a law passed in 1995 mandates that cyclists must wear certified helmets.
- Longboarding – This increasingly popular sport, modeled after surfing, has obvious connections to head injury. The greater speeds achieved by longboards make head injury even more prevalent. Helmets, it goes without saying, should be standard equipment.
- Diving – Head injuries from diving occur most often when one strikes there head on the bottom of the pool. The depth of the water should always be determined prior to diving to make sure the dive can be made safely.
- Football – Football helmets gained popularity in the 1890s and continue to evolve. The rate at which players can meet and butt heads on the field has long been an area of great concern, as life-changing injury and even fatalities have resulted. Efforts to lessen impact on the brain continue with different rules being implemented and continued helmet technology improvement.
- Skiing and Snowboarding – Skiing and Snowboarding are high speed activities on slippery and often treacherous terrain. Despite being popular forms of winter recreation there are significant injuries from skiing and snowboarding every year.
Head Injury Lawyer
If you or someone you love has experienced a head injury in an accident, there is help available to get your life back on track. Our legal team of Vancouver personal injury lawyers has helped hundreds of victims secure the finances needed to seek medical treatment and rehabilitation. The costs of head injuries can add up quickly, from medication to rehabilitation costs, and the surest way to receive fair compensation is through an experienced lawyer who can help you create a strong case by compiling expert opinions and all the needed information to get the compensation you deserve.
Call a Head Injury Lawyer in Vancouver
Keep detailed notes for your doctor, so they can track your symptoms and progress. Call Taylor & Blair LLP and get an experienced head injury lawyer in Vancouver to be on your side.