If you have lost a loved one as a result of another person’s wrongdoing, negligence, or carelessness, you might have questions regarding how to receive compensation. At Taylor and Blair, our team of Vancouver car accident lawyers has the experience to help you with your case. Here are a few common questions we are asked about the process of filing a wrongful death lawsuit:
What Does the Term “Wrongful Death” Mean? Wrongful death occurs when a person’s life is taken as the result of another person’s negligence. The death often has negative financial repercussions which affect the family members of the deceased. If you have questions regarding the loss of a loved one, be sure to contact a Taylor and Blair car accident lawyer right away.
How Much Compensation Am I Entitled To? Because each case is unique, compensation is determined on an individual basis. After you contact one of our car accident lawyers, we will start by compiling the costs related to the accident and injuries. As a surviving family member, you are entitled to an amount which is equal to what was lost because of the death—including earnings and financial support that would have been acquired had the loved one been able to continue providing. Our lawyers will take each factor of the case into careful consideration before determining the value of this claim.
What is the Purpose of Filing a Wrongful Death Claim? A lawsuit regarding wrongful death will help to protect the deceased’s family members by giving them financial compensation for their loss. The purpose of a wrongful death lawsuit is to hold the negligent party financially responsible for the losses created by their negligence.
If you have any questions about the process of filing a wrongful death claim, be sure to contact a car accident lawyer at Taylor and Blair.
Kevin Blair &
Graham Taylor
Taylor & Blair LLP
Personal Injury lawyers
1607 – 805 West Broadway
Vancouver, B.C.